Discovery Learning
Discovery Education hired CS4Ed to analyze the market for an online science supplemental offering called the Discovery Education Science Connection (DESC). Using our analysis, Discovery Education designed its new product to address the needs of middle school science classrooms and to align closely to published learning standards.
PBS Education
PBS TeacherLine, a provider of online professional development for teachers, hired CS4Ed to provide technical support to sales and outreach personnel in selected stations of the PBS network on the nuts and bolts of federal and state funding to school districts.
Harvard Division of Continuing Education
CS4Ed has supported the 110-year-old Harvard University Division of Continuing Education (DCE) in all phases of strategic assessment, transformation planning, and successfully implementing extended continuing education offerings. This decade long partnership tracks trends in pedagogy and technology in order to implement immersive educational experiences.
California State University
CSU engaged CS4Ed to facilitate the discovery, acquisition and use of commercial and Open Source academic content and educational technology throughout the 23 campuses of CSU. For over a decade years, CS4Ed consultants supported a comprehensive effort to plan, develop, and implement an accessible and effective infrastructure. This infrastructure supported the development and delivery of a core collection of digital materials, business applications, and technology.
Software & Information Industry Association
CS4Ed is working with the SIIA Education Market Section to conduct the first annual U.S. Education Technology Industry Market Watch: PreK–12 Survey. The purpose of the survey is to provide comprehensive, accurate supply–side data on the size of the education technology software, content and services market in the U.S. Analyses will predict industry trends within segments of the market. We expect 250 companies will participate.
National Education Association
Since the early 1990s, the NEA has been providing a product for the School Improvement Market, Keys to Excellence for Your Schools (KEYS). Recently, a major revision has been completed (KEYS 2.0) and the NEA wanted a comprehensive market research project focusing on the School Improvement Market - including an assessment by all stakeholders from the community, a unique profile that can be used for planning purposes, and professional development components designed to help schools move beyond the planning phase.
Consortium for School Networking
In cooperation with CoSN, CS4Ed is conducting a study of the effectiveness of technical standards for educational content and software. The study is collecting data to quantify the operational effectiveness and pragmatic benefits of formal interoperability standards such as SIF, IMS, SCORM and PESC and informal standards based on products or design requirements.